CHERP solar factories in US map

pv magazine: Start-up plans solar manufacturing in disadvantaged communities

An ambitious startup, CHERP, seeks to launch a new ‘no hot spot’ panel, using non-profit micro solar module assembly facilities, to be distributed across disadvantaged communities. CHERP stands for Community Home Energy Revolution Project.

In a presentation hosted by Seneca Solar, CHERP put forth their nationwide vision to deploy 1,000 factories, each producing 100,000 solar modules per year. CHERP says each turnkey facility will cost about $6 million to put in place and will employ approximately 91 people.

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CHERP solar factory workers

How nonprofit CHERP Solar Works is empowering underserved communities across the U.S.

The U.S. has largely given up on the idea that we can produce solar in our own country, but nonprofit CHERP Solar Works has set out to change this — in a way that promotes equity and justice.